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artisans north of the Mediterranean perfected a metal alloy made from a combination of copper and tin called bronze. From 3000 to 1200 BC, the Bronze Age would give rise, not only to many marvelous artifacts, as well as writing, and much of what we

Article Image by HARRY HOWARD

Unearthed document reveals German lawyer involved in 1944 suitcase bomb plot to kill Hitler was secretly working for MI6... dispelling belief it was just dissenting Nazis

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Ron Paul Institute - Peter Van Buren

America doesn't want to know what happens in its wars. It wants to believe each war starts in righteousness, usually something as lofty a goal as freeing people from oppression or bringing them democracy.

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Slave [sleyv] from Middle English, from Old French sclave, from Medieval Latin scl?vus ("slave"), from Late Latin Scl?vus ("Slavic Person"), from Byzantine Greek ??????? (Sklábos), from Proto-Slavic slov?nin? …

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From the work of Joy Hancox, who concluded that Dee was the most likely channel for the sophisticated geometry of the original Elizabethan theatres, we can place Dee and Shakespeare roughly in the same milieu, that of the Bur­bages and the Globe The