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The life that has been gifted to us is old… more than 6,000 years old. It began before recorded time, on the plains of Mesopotamia. There it was that the race of men was regimented; it was there that they learned to be ruled.

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We are faced today with a concentrated attack on the great thinkers of the Western tradition, who are dismissed as "dead white European males." Robert Nozick used to say that what offended him most in this phrase was the word "dead." It's n

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Sacrifices to the gods were basic parts of the ancient religions. We've mentioned them before, but from the records left by the Romans we get a very clear picture of how they operated.

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One of my entertainments, from time to time, has been the Kennedy assassination… John Kennedy's, that is. I'm not particularly a fan of mysteries, but once in a while one of them intrigues me, and this is a good one.

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The Mesopotamians were a highly innovative civilization, responsible for many inventions that had a significant impact on human civilization. For one, they were among the first to use the wheel. The invention of the wheel not only revolutionized tran

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The most powerful attraction of monarchy today is leadership above politics, which is something that a critical mass of the body politic can rally around.

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One of the great ironies – and abuses – of our time is the use of a brilliant man's name to hawk everything he didn't stand for.

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NPS - National Park Services

Throughout its history, Washington, DC has been the destination of demonstrators seeking to promote a wide variety of causes. Most of the time, the gatherings have been peaceful. One of the exceptions was the Bonus army in March of 1932.

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Recently a friend sent me a snippet of a conversation he saw in an online community. It read, Public school attendance is indoctrination in obedience. That's a stark statement, but what struck me was not its bluntness, but that it has become common


The codex was dutifully written under the direction of Spanish officials in Mexico City alongside several Aztec scribes and artists. Once it was complete, it was named after Mendoza as its first known owner. In the 17th century, the Codex Mendoza

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