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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

Corbett Report member Octium connects the dots between two seemingly disparate Corbett reports: one on silicon valley and the other on the Georgia guidestones. So who is William Shockley, what does he have to do with the guidestones, and what does th

Article Image, Traces of War

Hitler relied on Technocrats to prosecute his war machine that conquered nations and executed his "final solution" to get rid of genetically impure segments of society. His ultimate goal was to create a master race of super humans to live in an e

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Ron Paul Institute - Adam Dick

On Independence Day, many Americans think about, at least briefly, the American Revolution. One important thing they should consider in this reflection is that the American Revolution is misnamed. A more appropriate name would be the American Secessi

Article Image, By Bionic Mosquito

Romans 13: 1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those

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Libertarian Institute

In 1998, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor Zbiegnew Brzezinski told Le Nouvel Observateur that the CIA "knowingly increased the probability" that the Russians would invade Afghanistan by covertly supporting the Mujahideen befor

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Armstrong Economics

"Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot… All these monsters began by confiscating private arms, then literally soaking the earth with the blood of tens & tens of millions of their people. Ahh. The joys of gun control."

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Today it's not unusual to find influencers on both the right and the left invoke Orwell's book to decry the actions taken against them or to attack political opponents. In 2021, conservative US Senator Josh Hawely said Simon & Schuster's decisi

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Oh, of course the OP knows so much more about the Cherokee roots, history and culture than the Cherokee Nations themselves, and all of them are just "fake Cherokees", whereas the "true Cherokees" are those unrecognized individuals who suddenl

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I believe that women are inherently as valuable as men and that impositions put upon them because of their sex are crimes. But I don't believe this because of politics, I believe it because of experience.


we applied a new method for dating ancient linen threads by inspecting their structural degradation by means of Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS). The X-ray dating method was applied to a sample of the TS consisting of a thread taken in proximity o

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The shortest answer to this question is that the Franks spoke… well, Frankish, which is a Germanic language. However, Frankish and modern Standard German come from different subfamilies of Germanic languages. Frankish belongs to the West Germanic l

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Russian Perspective -

Vladimir Putin's landmark speech on February 10th 2007 at 43rd Munich Security Conference where he openly criticized the US for its striving for a unipolar world, its unrestrained use of force and its disdain for international law. For the first time

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Organic Prepper - by Fabian Ommar

The First World is rapidly turning into the Third World and you need to be prepared for what that means for your family. While it won't directly affect everyone, many of us will feel it. Here's how to get ready for this era.

Article Image by Ryan McMaken

The US government today likes to pretend that it is the perennial champion of political independence for countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain. What is often forgotten, however, is that in the days following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Wa

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n March 1, 1942, Hitler said during one of his monologues to his inner circle, "If you did not see so much healthy life all round about you would have to become an absolute misanthrope. If I only saw the upper ten thousand, that is what I would be.
