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It took awhile, but we now understand what Plato reported to us. 9,000 years earlier than Platos time we had the pleistocene nonconformity which plausibly rotated the earths crust southward through hudson Bay and induced a huge tsunami world wide.

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MRH: Legacy --

This video is about anarchy, anarchism, anarcho-capitalism, and capitalism. Based on the book "The Not so Wild, Wild West" by Terry Anderson and Peter J. Hill.

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Balfour Project -

Britain in Palestine 1917-1948 investigates the contradictory promises and actions which defined British Mandatory rule in Palestine and laid the groundwork for the Nakba (the catastrophe) and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The roots of

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Beyond Labels Podcast - Joel Salatin

How did we end up with a food supply where chemicals are used to grow our food and biology is discarded as unimportant or even a hindrance? Was the switch to chemicals based on corruption and dubious behavior?

Article Image, Noa Tishby

The Land of Israel has changed hands many times over the centuries. But it has always been the homeland of one particular people. Noa Tishby, author of Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth, explains.