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Federal Reserve

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The International Libertarian

Once again Philadelphia raised the bar for an End the Fed rally with Fedstock II. Jordan Page played his great music. Yours truly was the first speaker followed by a great line up, Scott Davis, Ernest Hancock, and Adam Kokesh. A big thanks to Mike Sa

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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Where to begin? It’s difficult to give up a belief system that took root 30 years ago, but I find your arguments irresistible. I took notes as I read the essay, thinking to rebut you point-by-point; instead, halfway through it I found myself...

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There is a rising loss of faith in the conventional (i.e. propaganda) account of the U.S. economy. Readers tell me their local coin store has no silver coinage left, as the public has been buying with a vengeance.

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The International Libertarian

It was a great honor to be allowed to address the liberty minded activists at Fedstock II in Philadelphia, PA. On April 23, 2011 we again hit the streets to educate everyone of the dangers of central banking. A big thanks to the organizers, the other

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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The politicos won't like either choice, but sacrificing the real economy will cost them their seat. All the fatcats who've raked in tens of billions from the risk trade Bull will be demanding that Ben "save" the financialized economy, but the...

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What we have is a Federal Reserve that has joined hands with Congress and the Administration, both present and previous, in an intentional act of debasement to finance profligate deficit spending.

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The outcome of next week's Fed board meeting isn't in doubt. It is likely to decide to allow a $600 billion program to buy Treasury bonds to run its course, as planned, in June. The debate will shift to how and when to begin raising interest rates...

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The dollar is now sitting close to its all-time low. There is no floor beneath that level on a technical basis. While an "underthrow" excursion might well be tolerated, should there be any meaningful and sustained break below about 71.5 on the /DX.

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“They turn on the printing press and flood the entire dollar zone — in other words, the whole world — with government bonds. There is no way we will act this way anytime soon. We don’t have the luxury of such hooliganism,” he said.

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Reality Report | http://RealityReport.TV | Bernard von NotHaus joins Gary Franchi for an interview on the Reality Report to provide an update on his recent trial and unfortunate outcome.

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom