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Federal Reserve

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During a House Committee on Financial Services hearing held at 10am on February 29, 2012, Rep. Ron Paul questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on inflation, currency, and (real) money. At 9am, silver was trading at $37.50/oz. By 11am, ex

News Link • Global Reported By Ryan Gauger
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Ben Bernanke on Tuesday reiterated the Federal Reserve's plan to hold interest rates near record lows until at least late 2014. The Fed has kept its benchmark interest rate near zero for the past three years. In its policy statement in January, the F

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Sharlene Holt, Musicians 4 Freedom

Madonna's performance at the Super Bowl was full of Illuminati symbolism. Have you investigated the significance of the checkered floor, the black and white checkered pattern you see on the new IRS building in Maryland?

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Charles Goyette at American Breaking Point

The gold express pulled into the station back in December, merely a pause to consolidate its 9.3% gain for 2011. It let some passengers off and let others get on board before it rolled again. Now it’s about to leave the station again. It’s

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When one gets tired of pandering to one's masters in an effort to effect change that continually results in futility, the time comes (as was the case with John Lennon and his campaign “War is Over”...”if you want it”) to direct the message instead of

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U.S. prosecutors arrested a Chinese computer programmer on charges he stole software code valued at nearly $10 million from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Bo Zhang, 32, of Queens, New York, worked as a contract programmer at the bank. He wa

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At a time when many in the alternative media were shouting out loud about an impending financial crisis, many of the top men at the US Federal Reserve could only make jokes about desperate discounts being given out by house-builders that found themse

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Free-Market Analysis: Paul Krugman is at it again, defending the socialist economics of John Maynard Keynes against the common sense of normal people. Nobody understands debt, he writes, except of course for ... him. Krugman.