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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

Precious Metal Head - A Moment with the Director of Silver Circle, the Anti-Fed Film

• Silver Underground
All Cylinders Firing This month is just a quick director's note - there's a lot of activity, people, and animation happening here in the studio lately. We've got a full staff of animators now to finish this movie off and have considerably more control now on our finish date. We are taking a little extra time to be sure the animation is the highest quality we can do with this timeframe and budget - it's our first feature film and I am determined to set the bar as high as it can go. While we have to hit the election season for sure, we will lose a lot of audience and future potential if the animation isn't great - and it IS looking great now. Europe, Silver, Silver show The international financial and monetary scene continues to play out; while we don't like to see this level of global and domestic distress, it certainly will be an interesting backdrop for the movie when it comes out. There is even movement towards the Fed taking over more of the Real Estate market; though

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