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Federal Reserve

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When you reach the point that new debt creates negative changes in economic activity you either stop the idiocy of continued debt issuance or you're destined to have an economic catastrophe.

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The single greatest conceit of the Status Quo in the U.S., China and Euroland is that systems and trends can be tightly controlled. That conceit is slowly being revealed as hubris, as all sorts of things are spinning out of the control of the...

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TREASON – A NOTICE TO PUBLIC SERVANTS On the night of December 23, 1913 the United States Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act and thereby committed the greatest act of TREASON in history. It surrendered this nation’s sovereignty and sold the A

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The economic peril that we find ourselves confronted with, has been ninety-eight years in the making. The confluence of debt, demographics, delusion, and denial has left the country at the precipice of annihilation.

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Those who have been betting on deflation for the past five or ten years have been wrong. They could be right some time in the future. But one can be wrong on a mistaken principle for a very long, long time.

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Debate continues to rage between the inflationists who say the United States money supply is increasing, dangerously devaluing the currency, and the deflationists who say we need more money in the economy to stimulate productivity.
