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Federal Reserve

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Interest Rates on the Rise - CIA Hitman Escapes Pakistan - The Fed Is Attacking Your Family, What are you going to do about it? by Ron Paul - Libya's Pot of Gold - Man Knowledge, A pirate primer - Tempestuous But So Talented, Elizabeth Taylor

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Are we being deceived?  "It;s my money, and I want it now!"  Actually it isn't, for it belongs to the Federal Reserve Bank and their member banks all the time.  Since the Federal Reserve has been given the power to issue lega

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Alex Newman via The New American

After the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of lower-court rulings, the Federal Reserve must release information about its “emergency” bailouts of large banks and financial institutions in 2008 under the guise of saving the financial system.

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Joseph T. Salerno via

What used to be roundly condemned as "creeping inflation" in the 1950s by Fed officials and mainstream economists alike is today given the scientific-sounding name "inflation-targeting" and hailed as the proper goal of monetary policy.

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QE is a wholly different method of keeping the tent propped up. It does not repair the hole, but rather attempts to keep the tent inflated by pumping more air in than is escaping through the hole. This is the new money being created and pushed into..

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The New York Federal Reserve Bank confirmed that it intervened in currency markets on Friday for the first time in more than a decade. The disclosure came a day after the Group of Seven major industrialized nations pledged in a statement to join in a

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