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Federal Reserve

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Last week I was both surprised and pleased when the Supreme Court upheld lower court decisions requiring the Federal Reserve Bank to comply with requests for information made by Bloomberg under the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA").

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Even modestly bad news even if of a secondary importance nature, sends the market surging higher as expectations that QE3 is inevitable, hit 100%. Then when good news comes, and QE3 is deemed to be impossible, the market plunges.

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Our economy will not "withstand" these oil and gas prices. Not without a massive contraction. I am already seeing it - again - on the roads around this area. Less traffic, fewer shoppers. The so-called "recovery" that was spiked through all...

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"I was surprised and deeply disturbed ... to learn the staggering amount of money that went to foreign banks. These lending activities provided no benefit to American taxpayers, the American economy, or even directly to American banks," Paul said.

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Things are bad all over. With so much going on in the world, it's time for everybody to pull together and come up with a global solution. The world is inter-dependent after all. It is because we say it is.

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Zero Hedge

Here's one for the WTF files. While it is neither a secret that back in 2009 America had a thriving relationship with the world's suddenly most hated man Moammar Gaddafi only to turn around and bomb him, nor is it surprising since after

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G. Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck to discuss the federal reserve. Join the discussion at our RTR Group: Become a Fan at our Facebook Page: Share the Reality Report on Facebook:

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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Oh…and you can imagine what this does to the poor householder. He’s caught in the middle. The real economy pushes the value of his main asset down…while the feds push up the cost of his most important supplies – food and energy.

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By Brandon Smith

[off the chart read ED] I was in the midst of the Save America Convention in Tampa, Florida when I heard, first, that Libya was under bombardment by the UN (led by U.S. forces), and, that Bernard von NotHaus of Liberty Dollar had been convicted of “c

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Richard Duncan for The Daily Reckoning

For twelve years the US trade deficit financed the US budget deficit and held down US interest rates. From 1996 to 2008, the US trade deficit exceeded the government’s budget deficit every year. The dollars sent abroad to pay for the trade deficit we

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It appears that someone may have called the bluff on our earlier post of a possible commencement of trading in advance of QE3 (and how anyone could be surprised that QE3 is coming is beyond us - it has been our conviction that the Fed...