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Federal Reserve

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[Read the whole article, but this paragraph made my eyes pop out of their sockets] There have been rumours that certain hedge funds and sovereign wealth funds are willing to take possession of all gold and silver. In gold it is the February month

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When borrowing money it's always good to have a Plan B in case a big creditor pulls the plug. That should be true whether the sum is a few thousand dollars or about a trillion, the size of the United States government's debt to China.

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The Patriot-Liberty movement has railed against the Federal Reserve for decades. Inexorably attached to the abolishment of the private banking monopoly, the entire political career of Ron Paul is an inspiration for any citizen who values liberty and

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Speak Truth 2 Power

30 minute animated film that shows you how you’ve been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away.

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Through the month of January visit: to pledge to Silver Circle. Let's bring liberty to Sundance Film Festival 2011. ***please note the celebrity endorsements are in fact fictional, however we would love to h
