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Federal Reserve

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At next month’s FOMC meeting, Mr. Bernanke will unleash yet another round of quantitative easing. In other words, in order to fund Mr. Obama’s out of control spending, Mr. Bernanke will create even more dollars out of thin air!

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NY Times

Two years after the Fed bought billions of dollars in mortgage securities as part of the financial bailout, its New York arm is questioning the paperwork — and pressing banks to buy some of the investments back.

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Wall Street Journal

"It's not going to happen in this country," Mr. Geithner said in remarks here. "The United States of America and no country in the world can devalue its way to competitiveness. It's not viable and we will not engage in it."

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Today, Zimbabwe no longer has its own currency. The country effectively deals in cash only, in foreign currencies. Merchants take whatever they can get– US dollars, euro, South African rand, etc.

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It is Ben's “helicopter money” scenario writ large. The US central bank proposes to use the Federal Reserve notes it creates out of thin air to “buy” the debt of the US government which the Treasury creates out of thin air. This is the last gasp...

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Do you understand the difference between lawful money and legal tender? Does the value of Gold increase or does the purchasing power of the Dollar decrease? - Paper vs Gold, Individualism vs Collectivism G. Edward Griffin, Ron Paul, Steven Anderson,

News Link • Global Reported By Meet The Truth
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In a very real sense, Bernanke is throwing Granny and Grandpa down the stairs - on purpose. He is literally threatening those at the lower end of the economic strata, along with all who are retired, with starvation and death...

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A lot of big money around the world is going to drop the dollar and basically disenfranchise the US economy. This is not just a remark in passing, this means that the US economy goes belly up effectively and the dollar gets completely wiped out...

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Non-commercial demand for dollars is collapsing in much of the global economy, in part because the Fed is transferring something like three quarters of a trillion dollars annually from individual and corporate savers to the Wall Street banks.

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NY Times

None of them has gone as far, though, as Mr. Paul’s father, Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican and libertarian activist who is seeking to abolish the central bank. (His 2009 book, “End the Fed,” is popular in Tea Party circles.) The senior M

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Rogers told attendees to the event that the United States has had two central banks prior to the Federal Reserve and that they both disappeared. He said he fully expected the same thing to happen to the Federal Reserve.

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Doug French, a former banker, went through an analysis of why there are not more bank closures by the FDIC. He explains the most important reason that the FDIC is not closing more banks is that the FDIC has run out of money to close them.
