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Federal Reserve

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Speak Truth 2 Power

Idaho State Rep. Phil Hart authored the Idaho State Silver Gem Act earlier this year which allows for the Idaho State Treasurer to issue silver medallions and make them available to the public for any purpose including paying State taxes.

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There is a slow motion “run on the dollar” taking place. It is popping up in the big money centers and the small. The markets are all orderly so there is no sense of panic. But there is a non-stop movement out of dollars.

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To the outside world, the Federal Reserve is an impenetrable fortress. But former employees and big investors are privy to some of it secrets -- and that access can be lucrative. (Hmm, isn't this insider trading?)

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Another "Dog Bites Man" story of the blindingly obvious. The US supremacy as the top world economy will end sooner than many people believe, so gold is a better investment than the dollar despite it hitting a new record, Tom Winnifrith, CEO at

News Link • Global Reported By Andre Campos
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So all those hillsmen in Idaho, with their Colt 45s and boxes of krugerrands, who sent furious emails to the Telegraph accusing me of defending a hyperinflating establishment cabal were right all along. The Fed is indeed out of control.

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Take a step back, and you get the picture: The Too Big To Fail banks are the sewer system by which the Federal Reserve supplies money to the Federal government for all its deficit spending. This is stealth monetization.

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Clearly the Fed does not have the tools. If they did, we would not be in this mess in the first place! It's hard to say if Bernanke's statement is an outright lie or if he is delusional enough to believe the nonsense he is spouting.