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Federal Reserve

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The latest money supply numbers show that non-seasonally adjusted money supply has ground to a near complete halt. For the three month period ended January 31, 2010, non-seasonally adjusted money is growing at only 1.2%...

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Government also struggles with money, but the struggle centers on how to get more of your money into government coffers. Rather than expanding the Federal budget in the face of economic downturn, we should be focusing on eliminating waste and being

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These are epic warning signals, with echoes of 1931. Yet the Fed has just raised the Discount Rate. It is winding up liquidity operations, and preparing to reverse QE, even though the housing market has tipped over again.

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What this graph shows, astonishingly, is that a dollar added to the monetary base now has a NEGATIVE multiplier effect. Without showing yet another chart, bank lending has fallen percentagewise the most in 67 years.

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Two events took place last week that would have been inconceivable a year ago. Ron Paul won CPAC's straw poll for 2012. And the president of the Fed of Philly gave a speech hostile to Federal Reserve policy.

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Dr. Sam Kennedy, The Ghostfighters

In his February 2nd letter, Dr. Sam Kennedy promised a final remedy to enslavement at the hands of corporations posing as legitimate government. Now, Dr. Kennedy represents an end, once and for all, at the source, to the arrests & foreclosures.

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60 Minutes (CBS)

[I don't know how good it will be....] Nowhere in the world can such a concentration of power be found than at the World Economic Forum's meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Scott Pelley goes behind the scenes this Sunday, Feb. 14, 7 pm ET/PT.

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The more-worrying factor here is that we've got this "mystery" direct buyers out here again taking nearly 25% of the offered amount (who is bidding for that undisclosed?) and another 11% taken down by The Fed for the SOMA account.
