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Federal Reserve

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China is buying in Europe, Social Security is about to go cash flow negative, who exactly is going to be buying the mounds of new debt securities that the Treasury will soon start to issue?

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“Crossing the 90% debt/GDP threshold is the equivalent of crossing the proverbial Rubicon of economic growth. It’s a point from which it’s almost impossible to return,” states the article, adding that the market has not responded to quantitative...

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Gold turned higher on Wednesday, shrugging off a 1 percent rise in the dollar versus the euro, as concerns over the outlook for the U.S. economy and the potential for further monetary easing sparked haven buying of the metal.

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At the end of its meeting Tuesday, the Fed said it will use money from its investments in mortgage securities to buy government debt on a small scale. That could help nudge down long term rates on mortgages and corporate debt but wouldn't have a dram

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People will lose faith in the dollar, and try to get out of it—at all costs, all at once. Hyperinflation is not the economy overheating, like regular inflation—hyperinflation is when nobody wants to be caught dead with a currency.

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If the government fears the “recovery” will be further impinged by higher energy prices then look for “quantitative easing” to become both the driving force of our economic policy and poison that finally kills the dollar.

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Once all those who are now holding large cash balances, decide cash is not the place to be, because of an inflation threat (and I am not talking those just holding physical currency but anything in M2), then all hell breaks loose on the inflation...