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Federal Reserve

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Fleckenstein doesn't want the Fed acting as a politburo deciding interest rates in a room. He lists the reasons why: in the last 15 years the Fed blew and equity bubble, then a housing bubble, and now they want to print our way to prosperity.

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Daily Telegraph

As the US Federal Reserve meets today to decide whether its next blast of quantitative easing should be $1 trillion or a more cautious $500bn, it does so knowing that China and the emerging world view the policy as an attempt to drive down the dollar

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We are in a perilous time. Indeed, the policies of our government - to borrow and spend, larding up the interest costs down the road and protecting those who are bankrupt, simply means that cost pressures - and margin collapse - will accelerate...

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The Fed is stealthily floating the idea that a surge in oil prices will be for the greater good. The Fed is telegraphing that while it acknowledges that oil is about to jump to over $100, it won't be as bad as those with a functioning brain dare to..