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Federal Reserve

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Group of Seven financial leaders, worried about risks to global growth, are likely to agree this week to keep monetary policy accommodative, slow fiscal consolidation in countries where that is possible and implement structural reforms, a G7 source s

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by Patrick J. Buchanan via

"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citize

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Put another way, the Fed’s tools (QE and otherwise) are now going to be implemented to “avert catastrophe,” NOT to “improve the economy.” The bulls don’t want to hear this but it’s true. The game has changed dramatically...

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The US market as a whole has lost nearly 20%, nearly straight down, with four straight weeks of losses. The entirety of the "gains" since QE2 was announced are now gone - a year of market advance destroyed in less than four weeks.

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The situation is completely out of control – the U.S. financial house of cards is irredeemable at this point, even with interest rates at close to zero. The whole financial structure is close to collapse, and that’s why I think we’re exiting the eye

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A recent discovery has shown that the Federal Reserve is having a little trouble coming up with some monetary solutions to keep the recession from worsening (keep rackin' your brain folks, but until you grasp what inflation really means, I feel like

News Link • Global Reported By Megan Duffield
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The risk of a new U.S. recession has risen over the last couple of months, but an outright contraction will most likely be avoided, Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President Dennis Lockhart said on Monday. Lockhart said there is plenty the central ba

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The printing in the U.S. will likely be enough to push gold much higher. If the ECB does the same, we could be very near global inflation---something never seen on this planet before. If global inflation occurs, $25,000 per ounce may be...

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There are no good endings once you start down a deleveraging path. As I have been writing for several years, much of the entire developed world is now faced with choosing from among several bad choices, some being worse than others.”

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