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Federal Reserve

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The authorities have grossly underestimated the severity of the housing crisis and are still refusing to confront some of its key elements, such as the broken servicing model and chain of title problems.

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Daily Telegraph

As the twin pillars of international monetary system threaten to come tumbling down in unison, gold has reclaimed its ancient status as the anchor of stability. The spot price surged to an all-time high of $1,594 an ounce, lifting silver to $39 in it

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If the Great Depression teaches us anything, it is that government spending does not create wealth and does not create economic growth. Both Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt followed the recommendation of John Maynard Keynes, a very

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Ron Paul wants to audit the Federal Reserve, and then to end it. His book End the Fed explains why. Many readers of Freedoms Phoenix are familiar with Dr. Paul's and Dr. Murray Rothbard's works on monetary policy...

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If the Fed stops QE, confidence in the US dollar would rise. Money would flow into US investments, both supporting the US stock market and helping to finance the large US budget deficit.

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The black swans can be organized into groups. They are numerous within each important economic and financial camp. The Armada of Black Swans, well organized into regiments, has become dominant enough to be considered the New Normal.

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Can you imagine a government employee embedded in your business? And as far as the comparison with military embeds, this is completely wrong. The military embeds journalists to keep an eye on them so that they don't wander off on their own.

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Megan Duffield,

Chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke expects us to believe that our mind power controls the way inflation fluctuates. A recent article in the Freeman Online Bernanke quoted Bernanke saying: “The state of inflation expectations [by the people] greatly

News Link • Global Reported By Megan Duffield
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Short of the Fed simply buying trillions of dollars in stocks outright, then it looks like this "recovery" rally is about to have a Wiley E. Coyote moment, as it has raced off the solid ground provided by the Fed's QE2 injections and is now poised...

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Our own money management team here in the USA is in a box even worse than Europe's. It's not even a hall of mirrors. It's a broke-down Winnebago with moldy upholstery and the propane line is leaking inside. Everybody's wondering if Ben Bernanke...

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