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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Charles Hugh Smith: The Turning Point

The answer for the past few years has been massive Federal Reserve/Federal intervention and stimulus, and a weakening U.S. dollar that boosted overseas profits via the legerdemaine of currency devaluation. But three years of these policies have accomplished nothing but load the taxpayer with staggering amounts of debt: none of the causes of the 2008 implosion have been fixed or even addressed. As Armstrong notes, the massive interventions did not shorten the crisis, they have prolonged it. This reality has filtered down to the political swamp, and now the politicos are hesitant to bet their own futures on additional trillions in stimulus and quantitative easing. For the first time in memory, the Federal Reserve is on the defensive. Simply put, its policies have failed to accomplish anything except prop up a rotten, insolvent banking sector that needs to be declared bankrupt and swept into the dustbin of history. As I have noted here before, the next round of QE (quantitative easing) will fail to inflate the stock market regardless of its size or tricks. The fact that QE3 is needed will spook everyone who understands that it is a last-ditch effort to keep the Status Quo financialization from imploding, and since QE2's sugar-high was so brief, others will be spooked by the possibility that the next high will be even shorter. This is the dreaded Diabetes Financial Syndrome--the Fed is pouring ever larger amounts of financial insulin into the system, but the financial "body" no longer responds to this insulin. The financial system then goes into toxic shock and implodes.