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Federal Reserve

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Fun video of a man that tries to "cash in" a silver certificate at B of A. "The ignorance of the American populace is overwhelming. While not to belittle the Bank of America employees for there lack of knowledge, I hope they research this and s

News Link • Global Reported By Jack Spratt
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If you’re like most people who wish for the Federal Reserves System to be relegated to the dustbin of history, you’re probably frustrated. No matter how much we complain to our elected “representatives” nothing ever happens to “End the Fed” and thing

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Federal authorities are warning merchants to be on the lookout for stolen $100 bills that aren't supposed to go into circulation until next. The bills were stolen from an airplane that landed in Philadelphia from Dallas Thursday morning.

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The Federal Reserve continues to pump up this "bubble economy" by recklessly printing money and by setting interest rates artificially low, and the U.S. Congress continues to stand aside and allow them to systematically destroy our economy.

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Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke is likely to use a speech Monday to try to focus the market’s attention back on the central bank’s aggressive easing policy and away from the doubts about the policy, Fed watchers say.

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The latest release of the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Prices Index is out, measuring data through July 2012. For the third consecutive month, all 20 cities recorded monthly gains in home prices. The 20-city average year-over-year gain was 1.2%. The numbers

News Link • Global Reported By Alex Oscar
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Last week I asked two libertarian economists why central banks and most mainstream economists are against deflation and in favor of inflation. They essentially said what the brilliant article below says: that the masses want their pay to increase,

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MONEY FOR NOTHING is an independent, non-partisan documentary film that examines the Federal Reserve from the inside out - in a critical yet balanced way.
