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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

HOLY #%*!!! - Talk about following the $$$ - Fed Reserve Caught Red Handed

This is a true labyrinth in the creation of monetary instruments and the deceit that the elite go through to make it and use it. While you may not think this is important or that you can do anything about it, please understand that just us understanding what they are doing exposes the corruption and that alone will cause the end game.

I would like you all to watch this video. It is of a man in Parliament in London bringing a scheme to the attention of the chamber and asking for a delegation to be set up to look into it. It appears that $15,000,000,000,000 (that's $15 Trillion) is in a void of non compliance and England or two of its banks are on the hook for it.He is genuinely concerned -- He is the whistle blower if you will.

Please watch the chamber fill until it starts (about two minutes) and then fast forward to 17:20 where Lord Blackheath speaks. Oh, and get yourself a chinstrap!
