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IPFS News Link • Currencies

Italian police seize $6 trillion of fake U.S. T-bonds

• Reuters
     The operation, co-ordinated by prosecutors from the southern Italian city of Potenza, was carried out by Italian and Swiss authorities after a year-long investigation.
     The fake securities, more than a third of U.S. national debt, were seized in January from a Swiss trust company where they were held in three large trunks.
     In 2009, Italian financial police seized $742 billion of fake U.S. bearer bonds in the northern Italian town of Chiasso, near the Swiss border.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Chip Saunders
Entered on:

I just dug up a rather unpublicized similar case like this out of the Philippines in the early 2000's,...where supposedly the bonds were pre-WW2 instruments secreted away out of Manila when the Japanese invaded. Lost in the jungle, they turned up in the hands of individuals trying to trade them off in Switzerland. The FBI seized them, claiming they were counterfeit,...but were they? Ever seen a One Billion Dollar Federal Reserve Note? Look at the pictures here;...
