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WAR: About that War

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Next News Network

Iraq is in a brutal state of civil war with Sunni extremists partnered together with former Saddam Hussein supporters on a mission to overtake the country in jihad or ?holy war.? The Islamic State challenges Iraqi government who is allied partially w

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the wire

Militants associated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) captured the Lebanese city of Arsal in fighting that began on Friday and continued Monday. A Syrian rebel group set up check-points in the border city but have not yet declared

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Next News Network

It's been a busy week in the world of foreign policy. One story that would normally be a top global headline might almost slip through the cracks amid stories of Russia posturing with the US, Israel and Hamas at war in Gaza and North Korea threatenin

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Next News Network

Tonight, we turn our attention to Operation Protective Edge, in Gaza. In the span of just eight days, thousands died, hundreds of thousands fled their homes, and two sides are accusing the other of committing war crimes against humanity. Thursday

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Hamas uses the residential neighborhood of Shuja'iya as a fortress for its weapons, rockets, tunnels and command centers. Hamas exploits the neighborhood's residents as human shields for its terrorist activity.

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Next News Network

Did the government in Israel cover up a criminal investigation in order to justify military strikes? In June, three teenagers were reported missing in Israel, and the government in Jerusalem claimed they had little information on their whereabout

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Next News Network

Militant forces seeking to overthrow the government in Iraq have seized supplies of uranium. The material was stolen from Mosel University. The theft was confirmed by a report from the Iraqi government to the International Atomic Energy Agency. N

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Next News Network

As the situation in Iraq grows worse for the American-supported government there, President Obama is moving more troops into the nation. Saudia Arabia is also now massing 30,000 troops on their border with the war-torn country. Meanwhile, the For

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Next News Network

A total of 53 bodies have recently been discovered, lying south of Baghdad. Many of the corpses were found blindfolded, with their hands tied behind their backs. The dead were uncovered in a rural area, in a Shiite area just outside the capital city.

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Robert J. Avrech

I think it was at this moment that brought to me the realization that I wanted war, but I had no right to admit it. Not war for the excitement of it, not even war for victory's sake, but war as a solution to a situation that was unbearable. Not war

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Ernesto Londoño, The Washington Post

The catastrophic turn Iraq has taken in recent weeks has startled U.S. veterans who spent years seeking to set up the country, and particularly its security forces, for success. The Iraq war killed nearly 4,500 U.S. troops and cost taxpayers more tha

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Next News Network

Jeffrey Phillips is a citizen journalist, writing on politics and current events. Phillips is our guest on the show today. He is here to talk to us about the War in Iraq, including the the use of drones there. We will also discuss drone technology a

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Next News Network

A U.S. military official has confirmed armed American drones are now flying over Baghdad. The action was made public on the morning of Friday, June 27th. The source told reporters the weaponized drones are not meant for offensive missions. He sai

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Courtney Coelho, Brown University

The costs of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan now stand at more than 350,000 lives lost and $4.4 trillion spent. The human toll includes US soldiers and contractors, allied soldiers, security forces, insurgents, militants, and civilians.

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Next News Network

President Obama ordered up to 275 Marines back into the war-torn nation of Iraq. Military members ordered back to the country will be "equipped for combat," according to official records. This follows gains made by the armed groups in the count

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Next News Network

Militants in Iraq have taken control of the cities of Tikrit and Mosul. Witnesses in those cities say military forces there, charged with defending the cities, laid down their arms and surrendered without a fight. Tikrit has a population of aroun

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Next News Network

A Taliban commander tells the press his group is now planning to stage more kidnappings, after their prisoner trade with the United States. U.S. Army Sargent Bowe Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban. President Obama recently negotiated a trade,

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The speeches create a false reality that supports ever more wars. None of America's wars had anything to do with keeping America free. To the contrary, the wars swept away our civil liberties, making us unfree.

Next News Network

Did the Obama Administration supply arms to the terrorist group holding more than 200 girls hostage in Africa? Some political observers believe military aid provided to Libyan rebels may have found their way to the organization. In Nigeria, the m

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Next News Network

The Taliban in Afghanistan has carried out a series of attacks, killing dozens of police officers over just a few days. At least 23 policemen were killed, and 12 officers and bystanders were injured. Nine of the injured were victims of a suicide

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Next News Network

The Obama Administration will "do what we must" to keep Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, according to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. The remarks came as the 67-year-old department head was meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netany