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Hagel Preventing Iranian Nukes

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The Obama Administration will "do what we must" to keep Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, according to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. The remarks came as the 67-year-old department head was meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Jerusalem has been uneasy with the idea of talks attempting to thwart the Iranian nuclear program. Netanyahu stated that Western powers must not "let the ayatollahs win. We must not allow Iran, the foremost terrorist state of our time, to develop the ability to develop a nuclear weapon." Iran is currently engaged in international peace talks in Vienna. The United States, Germany, France, China and Russia are negotiating terms of an agreement. The negotiators hope to have an agreement in place by July 20th scale back Tehrans's nuclear program, in exchange for easing of sanctions against the country. While Israel and the United States claim Iran is seeking to build atomic weapons, Tehran insists its program is peaceful.