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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Over 50 Bodies Found South of Baghdad

• Next News Network
A total of 53 bodies have recently been discovered, lying south of Baghdad. Many of the corpses were found blindfolded, with their hands tied behind their backs. The dead were uncovered in a rural area, in a Shiite area just outside the capital city. All the victims were men, between the ages of 25 and 40. Some observers believe the killings could signal a new wave of sectarian violence in the nation. Warfare based on religious divisions peaked in Iraq between 2006 and 2007. No one is certain of a motive for the executions. There are several Sunni area around the region where the bodies were recovered. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki accused Kurdish leaders in northern Iraq of harboring in Sunni extremists. That region enjoys a degree of self-rule from the leaders in Baghdad. As sectarian fighting in the nation becomes worse, the political divide between national leaders and those in the north are becoming more pronounced. The Prime Minister stated, "We will never

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Comment by Powell Gammill
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What this story shows is the lack of control the Shiites have in their own backyard (Baghdad) against the Sunnis. When 50 people can be captured, blindfolded and then mass executed with the government finding them after the fact not knowing about it while it was happening says the Shiites do not control Baghdad. The second part of the story is Maliki trying to get the US to attack the Kurds in the north for not being under their control and giving Sunnis shelter for a decade of those who wanted nothing to do with the Sunnis or Shiites moving into the Sunni held area of Iraq. To be whining about those you don't subjugate while a different group is clearly sending a message "You don't rule us either" is delusional behavior and an unwillingness to face your own fall. To blame the Kurds for ISIS seems ludicrous. There seems little likelihood the Kurds would want anything to do with those douches. I am not certain Baghdad will stand under Shiite control much longer at this point which is not something I would have said a week ago.

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