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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Iraq: Party of Three

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Iraq is in a brutal state of civil war with Sunni extremists partnered together with former Saddam Hussein supporters on a mission to overtake the country in jihad or ?holy war.? The Islamic State challenges Iraqi government who is allied partially with Kurdish Peshmerga troops. The ISIS extremists have already conquered several TV and radio stations, a hydroelectric dam that can shut off water supply to millions of locals and they have taken control of at least 5 oil fields. The brutality of ISIS knows no boundaries. Graphic images of beheaded children, reports of depraved attacks on women and murderous acts of violence against humanity have been leaking out of Iraq for several weeks. Even with their inhumane acts, local citizens were shocked that ISIS soldiers were able to seize control of Iraq?s second city, Mosul. In fact, many of them suspect Iraqi leaders fled the city without putting up a fight. When Mosul fell, Erbil was the next target for the jihad troops. Erbil

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