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WAR: About that War

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The conflict between north and south actually began almost immediately after Sudan became independent in 1956. The first phase of the war lasted until 1972 when a truce was declared. War started up again in 1982 and continued until 2005 when the Ge

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Turkey has scrambled six F-16 fighter jets near its border with Syria after Syrian helicopters came close to the border, the country’s army says. Six jets were sent to the area in response to three such incidents on Saturday, the statement said, a

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The Flame has been discovered in seven Middle Eastern countries, though the number of infections found in Iran is more than the rest combined with 189 instances. There have been 98 infections detected in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Sudan

Article Image, by Patrick J. Buchana

"My fellow Americans, we have traveled through more than a decade under the dark cloud of war," said Barack Obama from Bagram Air Base.

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Philip Fernando , Asian Tribune

In the last 20 years, there have only been three or four in which the U.S. military wasn’t at war. Now it seemed easier to take the plunge as technology has made it cheaper and easier to project conventional military force, and therefore presidents d