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WAR: About that War

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The fighting in Iraq is as hot as it's been since the US pulled their forces out a few years ago. Ironically, rather, sadly, it's just as US troops are marching right back into the fray. Most middle eastern experts point back to 2006, when Ir

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Next News Network

The in-fighting in Iraq is at it?s highest point since Saddam Hussein was still alive. The nation is split into three different factions. The Iraqi government, the Kurds and the Sunni muslim group known as ISIS or the Islamic State. For years, th

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Next News Network

Thanks to the constant bombings and airstrikes of the US military, Kurdish and Iraqi soldiers are FINALLY starting to push back and gain ground against the Islamic State. During a one-day hiatus from his family vacation, President Obama met the media

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Next News Network

For more than three weeks now, Israel and Hamas have been at war. Over a thousand people are dead, hundreds of thousands fled their homes, and both sides are accusing the other of committing war crimes against humanity. Israeli Prime Minister Ben
