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WAR: About that War

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Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

A report quoted several Obama admin. officials admitting that all military-age males in a strike zone are counted as combatants, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent. (Yes, you read that right – posthumously.)

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Terrence Aym

You probably never heard of Vasili Arkhipov, but now that you know his name you should never forget it. Arkhipov probably saved your life. In fact, if it weren't for him, you may never have been born at all. He truly saved the world singlehanded, ye

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

Netanyahu’s stunt with the poster also brought to mind Secretary of State Colin Powell’s infamous war speech in 2003 when he displayed crude graphics depicting imaginary mobile chemical weapons labs in Iraq.

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

As the clock ticks down to the U.S. elections in November, another clock is ticking in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, whether Israeli forces should exploit the American political timetable to pressure President Obama to support an attack on Iran’s nuclear s