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WAR: About that War

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The U.S. government once believed in peace. Today, hardly a day goes by without someone proposing that Washington bomb, invade or occupy another nation. Matthew Brodsky targets Syria.

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Yet the key factor in any Israeli decision to send its aircraft and missiles to Iran is the degree to which Netanyahu and other hard-line Likud leaders believe that President Obama is locked into giving blanket support to Israel — particularly as ele

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If you have a home in Libya’s port city of Misrata and aren’t there right now, you might not have a home to go back to, as rebel in the area say they don’t want the “traitors and collaborators” to come back, and are demanding anyone who wants back in

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Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, founder of the Minaret of Freedom Institute, discusses the differences and commonalities of the three major Abrahamic religions; why Islam’s theological distinctions don’t make all Muslims into budding terrorists

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Indha Adde is not simply a warlord. His weapons and his newfound legitimacy were bestowed upon him by the US-sponsored African Union force, known as AMISOM, that currently occupies large swaths of Mogadishu.