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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Abu Dhabi Begins Using Facial Recognition Cameras at Shopping Malls, in Residential Areas--

• by Paul Joseph Watson

Authorities in Abu Dhabi have deployed facial recognition cameras throughout shopping malls and even in residential areas under the justification that they can "detect COVID-19."

"The technology allegedly detects the virus through electromagnetic waves, which ideally change due to the presence of the RNA particles in the body of an infected person," reports Reclaim the Net.

The government claims that a trial of the technology involving 20,000 participants achieved a high degree of effectiveness and has a 93.5% accuracy in identifying infected individual.

According to the EDE Research Institute, which created the technology, "The EDE scanning system will be used at shopping malls, as part of testing in some residential areas, and land and air entry points, as part of efforts to enhance precautionary measures and curb the spread of Covid-19 by establishing safe zone."

This is yet another example of how the pandemic has been exploited by governments to rapidly advance a bio-security police state under the guise of stopping the spread of the virus.
