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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Matthew Hoh Discusses the U.S. Bombings in Iraq

• Next News Network
The in-fighting in Iraq is at it?s highest point since Saddam Hussein was still alive. The nation is split into three different factions. The Iraqi government, the Kurds and the Sunni muslim group known as ISIS or the Islamic State. For years, the Kurds and the Iraqi government have been at odds with one another, but now that ISIS is taking over vast portions of the country and committing atrocious acts of violence against innocent men, women and children, the two sides have come together to form an awkward alliance as they try to ward off the extremist attacks. It?s no secret that the 2003 United States war in Iraq was an unpopular one. It?s one of the most widely criticized actions of the US government in the nation?s history. Weapons of Mass Destruction proved to be a myth, and the transition to Iraq?s self-government is clearly a failed experiment. But now that stories of ISIS brutality is sweeping through social media and gripping viewers around the globe, US President
