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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

40+ Nations in America's Anti-ISIS Coalition, But Few to Do Anything


The Obama Administration has been desperate over the past few weeks to cobble together a massive "coalition" of nations to fight ISIS, an attempt to convince the American public that the war is not going to be "America's war" to fight alone.

Over 40 nations have now signed on, with 26 of them expected to show up at the Paris summit Monday to talk ISIS. Apart from showing up at summits, it's not clear what most of them are actually going to do.

A handful of Sunni Arab nations, along with France, have committed to airstrikes against ISIS, while Australia is planning to commit 600 ground troops to the war. Australian PM Tony Abbott insists the deployment is open-ended.

But the Sunni Arab nations, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates, aren't welcome to launch strikes, according to Iraq's president. Iran, a nation Iraq actually does want in the coalition, isn't welcome according to the US.