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Obama Sends US Marines Back into Iraq

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President Obama ordered up to 275 Marines back into the war-torn nation of Iraq. Military members ordered back to the country will be "equipped for combat," according to official records. This follows gains made by the armed groups in the country, including a takeover of Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq. The government of Iran offered to assist Washington in military strikes against the militants. This prompted the first discussions in a decade between the nations over a common security interest. The United States government, at least publicly, turned down assistance from Tehran. Washington spent billions of dollars training and equipping Iraqi security forces before the official draw-down of U.S. troops from the nation in December 2011. When faced with opposition from militant forces, government forces there either retreated or surrendered without a fight. The White House is now considering sending in additional U.S. special forces to provide training to any Iraqi fo