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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

U.S. Confirms Armed Drones Over Baghdad

• Next News Network
A U.S. military official has confirmed armed American drones are now flying over Baghdad. The action was made public on the morning of Friday, June 27th. The source told reporters the weaponized drones are not meant for offensive missions. He said the Predators are there to support American still left inside the beleaguered capital city. The Pentagon stated around 40 surveillance flights a day are taking place in the region every day. Until now, they have insisted all such missions were unarmed. Armed forces of ISIS have captured vast areas of the nation, including the second-largest city of Mosul. Drones controlled by the United States are being flown out of an airfield in Kuwait. In a sign of changing times, the craft are being met by other drone aircraft, operated by Iran. Those are based at an airbase in Baghdad. The military escalation comes just as lawmakers in Baghdad are preparing to elect a new parliamentary government. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is los