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Willem Buiter warns of massive dollar collapse Americans must prepare themselves for a massive collapse in the dollar as investors around the world dump their US assets, a former Bank of England policymaker has warned.

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NIB to stop handling cash 22/12/2009 - 0827am One of the country's larger banks has told to its customers that it is to stop handling cash in its branches. National Irish Bank says it is moving to a Scandinavian model of "cashless banking"

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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International drug cartels have abandoned the US dollar for high denomination euros to launder millions in illegal profits. Europol has revealed. The gangs no longer use $100 because 500 euro notes - the largest denomination of euro

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Russia's central bank will keep cutting interest rates as policy makers try to prevent speculative capital from flowing in and destablizing the currency, Bank Rossii First Deputy Chairman Alexei Ulyukayev said. Russia need to keep cutting rates to s

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Whatever else may be going on, there’s a real bull market in gold. It’s a bull market that began ten years ago. If you’d bought stocks then, you’d have about what you have now…less inflation. If you’d bought gold…you have about 4 times what you had t

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DollarDaze (h/t Strike the Root)

The U.S. dollar has changed from being a paper certificate for a tangible asset to a fiat currency - a paper note declared legal tender. By looking at the history of American paper money one can clearly see the distinction. The following image sho

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Market Watch

The lead contract surged as high as 82.18, up from 75.38 close on Thursday. Such a move was improbable given that in spot market, the dollar's moves against major currencies such as the euro was limited to about 1%.

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Globe and Mail(Canada)

There's one mention of the word gold in the Bank of Canada's latest annual report. There are no mentions of bullion. Canadians once owned 30 million ounces. Now we own none, preferring to back our currency with rock-solid things such as US dollars

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Coin Update News

A bill authorizing Medal of Honor Commemorative coins was signed into law on November 6, 2009 by President Obama. The commemorative coin program will include $5 gold and $1 silver coins to be issued in the year 2011. The Medal of Honor is America's

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme
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The International Monetary Fund signaled record low US interest rates are funding global "carry trades" and the dollar is still overvalued as concerns mount that new financial imbalances are forming. "There are indications that the US dollar is now

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321 Gold(Hugo Salinas Price)

The shooting, the bombing and the killing of World War II stopped in August of 1945, and the War was formally over. The US and Britain knew the War was won, in 1944. At that time, a Conference was called among the 44 Allied Powers,

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Financial Times

Saudi Arabia on Wednesday decided to drop the widely used West Texas Intermediate oil contract as the benchmark for pricing its oil, dealing a serious blow to the New York Mercantile Exchange. The decision by the world's biggest oil exporter

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In a recent interview with Chrystia Freeland of the Financial Times, George Soros talks about his belief that the world needs a “financial new world order.” He goes into detail about China’s role in the new financial world order and says the dollar w

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The Golden Truth

If they thought the sale of 45 tons of gold would hurt the price of gold, they would have kept the sale quiet. If the sale happens, it will now be bid-in-comp and will likely be executed substantially above spot.

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Russia plans to sell as much as 50 tons of gold this year to help plug a budget deficit in the first major bullion sale by its precious metals repository since the fall of the Soviet Union, a high level source told Reuters.

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Commodity Trader Alert

Commodities rose broadly Wednesday as the dollar took another tumble, sending prices for gold, oil and soybeans soaring. The ICE Futures U.S. dollar index, a widely used measure of the dollar’s value against other currencies, fell 0.5 percent in afte

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The Dollar Carry Trade and the lost Petro-Dollar advantage will work to destroy the USDollar as the global reserve currency. The USFed will have to resort to unusual means to keep the world ‘interested’ and ‘involved’ in the USDollar at all. When the

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