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“Don’t get discouraged by silver not doing as well as gold the last couple of trading days, it is building a base for a breakout above $42. Once that occurs….”

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Every country can’t devalue their currency simultaneously without blowing up the entire worldwide monetary system. But, it appears they are going to try. The United States will never actually default on its debts. Bernanke will attempt to default...

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The US dollar could plummet in exchange value and lose its role as world reserve currency. The US would no longer be able to pay its oil bill in its own currency, and as its balance of payments is heavily in the red, the US has no foreign...

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5 weeks ahead of the day when the debt ceiling "extend and pretend" plan ends, talks have broken down, and in order to hike Congressional Nielsen ratings, this time seemingly terminally.

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The Bank of Canada introduced brand new polymer bills, yesterday. As the Toronto Sun puts it, the move is designed to use high-tech materials to "thwart counterfeiters." The notes, which have two see-through windows, are also cheaper to make and last

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“I have very little doubt that we will see some form of currency control within the U.S. and some other countries, because one thing you can count on is that the government never controls itself. What it does is control its subjects.”