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On Monday, French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde said her country will work to realize a planned transition to a global financial system based on several international currencies. France is currently head of the G20.

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A fight is looming between rich and poor countries over the value of the dollar and other key currencies, as governments use monetary tricks to boost their national recovery at the expense of other nations, political and business leaders warned Satur

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It is also rumored that Chinese agents are going to the commodities exchanges, using their Treasuries as collateral to control commodities contracts. This indirectly secures ownership of the commodity, without having to actually sell Treasuries.

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"We have at this particular stage a fiat money which is essentially money printed by a government and it's usually a central bank which is authorized to do so. Some mechanism has got to be in place that restricts the amount of money which...

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In its latest step to make the renminbi a competing global reserve currency, China’s predominantly state-owned Bank of China will now let individuals open renminbi savings accounts… in the United States.

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ECB buying Portugal's debt... Bullish on natural gas... End of America Watch... China protecting its agriculture... Can states file for bankruptcy?... Last day to register for Retirement Conference... Porter's court case, again...