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There is a slow motion “run on the dollar” taking place. It is popping up in the big money centers and the small. The markets are all orderly so there is no sense of panic. But there is a non-stop movement out of dollars.

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The American dollar is in bad need of a makeover. Thanks to the Dollar ReDe$ign Project, we may now have some options. Organized by creative strategy consultant Richard Smith, the Dollar ReDe$ign Project is soliciting ideas for the dollar bill of

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A whole boatload of fools in Washington, on seeing this terrible commodity-driven crisis unfold, with consumer prices shooting the moon, will scream for dollars to be printed—and their rationale will be perfectly reasonable, I can practically hear it

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Robert Cookson,

A number of the world’s biggest banks have launched international roadshows promoting the use of the renminbi to corporate customers instead of the dollar for trade deals with China. HSBC, which recently moved its chief executive from London to Ho

News Link • Global Reported By Hugo Tellez
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None of those preferable conditions currently exist. Hence, US Treasuries are the most over-supplied, over-owned, and over-priced asset in the history of the planet! Once the debt dam breaks, it will send the dollar and bond prices cascading lower...
