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Commodity Trader Alert

In the long term, the commodities that will do well include gold, copper and crude oil, said Patrick Kerr, managing director at Amerifutures Commodities & Options, adding that pullbacks in the major commodity markets will be opportunities for investo

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Washington's Blog

Gold bug Byron King claims that there is yet another reason that gold might be a reasonable investment: declining production.

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. . The government said the fund that protects consumer bank deposits has fallen into the red and will remain there into 2012, a pointed symbol of how the aftershocks of the financial crisis will reverberate for years as banks continue to fail at a h

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Economic Policy Journal

Five months ago, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), filed a second Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Federal Reserve System for documents from 1990 to date having to do with gold swaps, gold swapped, or proposed gold swaps.

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Economic Policy Journal

I have since verified the authenticity of the document in a conversation with the Gerald R. Ford Library archivist Mark Fischer. Although the document appears to have a declassification date stamped on it of 6-28-05, Fischer tells me that the documen

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Zero Hedge

So, predictably, Gold was hammered ahead of the “G-20” (nice little acronym for a criminal ruling elite, isn’t it? – more like mafia family heads getting together if you ask me) meeting in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania this weekend.

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Max Keiser(You Tube)

This is a follow up to the piece posted a few days ago. It's a video produced by Al Jazeera English(Yes, that Al Jazeera). Further explanation of the Carry Trade, and it's implication for the dollar.

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Golden Jackass

A powerful hidden engine existed for close to 20 years called the Yen Carry Trade. The engine produced tainted trillion$ for its priviliged participants, whose access to cheap money was assured and whose control of government policy was tight.

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Commodity Trader Alert

The embattled US dollar is expected to come under scrutiny at a summit of developing and industrialized nations following China-led calls to review its role as a reserve currency.

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The trouble with being a contrarian is that you can never be quite contrarian enough. We began having doubts about the ‘feds inflate…gold soars’ hypothesis last year. It was too easy…too obvious. And if it were that easy to inflate a nation’s curr

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The sun is setting on the US dollar as the ultra-loose monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve forces China and the vibrant economies of the emerging world to forge a new global currency order, according to a new report by HSBC.

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Zero Hedge

If GATA's latest dispatch is correct, then yes, and they reach to the very pinnacle of modern financial oligarchy, represented by none other than the US Federal Reserve. GATA believes that the Fed has implicitly confirmed the existence of gold swap a

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Commodity Trader Alert

“China will consider buying if the price is right and the return is relatively high,” MNI quoted one of the government sources as saying. Gold, which had dipped just below $1,000 an ounce, rebounded to $1,003.45 after the report.

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