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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

Rampant Debt Monetization Means U.S. Financial System is Doomed

• Oracle

You say to yourself how could this happen? It didn’t just happen it was planned that way to force the world’s inhabitants to accept world government. Zero interest rates guarantees the destruction of new capital formation as money runs to asset accumulation or preservation of wealth.

Monetization is running rampant even at Treasury auctions as dealers buy for the Fed, the Fed buys through the Cayman Island and their swap partners use swap dollars to buy at the auctions as well.

We just found out from the Fed that they lied about gold swaps. What do you think the percentages are that they are lying about currency swaps and secret Fed buying of Treasuries from secret offshore locations? All this means gold will quickly hit $2,000 and climb to $3,000 in 2010. 2011 will be another doubling, and the end of phase 3. The question is will we have a phase 4? If we had to bet on it we’d say yes. Would you believe $12,000 or more? As this all transpires only about 15% of Americans will catch on and the rest will lose almost everything. Or perhaps, revolution will change that