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Yesterday, January 22, marked the forty-seventh anniversary of the Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton Supreme Court decisions legalizing abortion-on-demand. Forty-seven years! Since those dreadful decisions, over 60 million helpless innocent unborn babies h

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Daniel McAdams informs that the great libertarian Butler Shaffer passed away Sunday afternoon. (A loss to friends and family, but Butler will always be a gift to humanity - Ernie)

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

If the latest U.S. soldier just killed in Afghanistan, as yet unidentified, was married, I can't help but wonder what U.S. officials are going to say to his (or her) spouse and possibly children when they offer her the flag that draped his casket a

Article Image by Joseph T. Salerno

The flood of obituaries that noted the passing of Paul Volcker (1927–2019) last week have almost all lauded his achievement as Fed chair (1979–1987) in reining in the double-digit inflation that ravaged the US economy during the 1970s.

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

A former British army officer and military contractor who founded the shadowy 'White Helmets' has been found dead near his home in Istanbul, days after he was accused by Russia of being a spy with "connections to terrorist groups."

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Associated Press News

Maryland Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, a sharecropper's son who rose to become the powerful chairman of a U.S. House committee that investigated President Donald Trump, died early Thursday of complications from longstanding health issues, his office sai

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