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Article Image, RonPaulLibertyReport

While the mainstream media concentrates on different milestones of Covid deaths, thousands and thousands of others die and suffer needlessly due to the unprecedented practice of locking societies down. Today's Liberty Report takes a look at these vic

Article Image by L. Neil Smith

Rush Limbaugh is dead. I have always detested squishy euphemisms like "passed away" or "went to meet his maker" or even just "gone". A great man, one of the greatest the United States of America has ever known, fully equal to the Found

Article Image By JOHN ROGERS

Porn purveyor Larry Flynt, who built Hustler magazine into an adult entertainment juggernaut that included casinos, films, websites and other enterprises as he relentlessly championed First Amendment rights, has died at age 78.

Article Image - Andrew Napolitano

Amid arguments in the Senate over whether the impeachment of former President Donald Trump is constitutional, and in the House over whether $1.9 trillion is enough money to borrow and distribute to select taxpayers and institutions, there have been r

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By Staff Writer The Beltway Reporter

ICYMI: Opinion| has reported that Daniel Best, a former pharmaceutical executive hired by President Trump's Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and charged with finding ways to lower prescription drug prices, has killed hims

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Eric Peters Autos

The biggest lies go down easiest - because most psychologically normal people have trouble believing anyone could lie on a scale like that. This is why psychopaths get away with lying on an epic scale. It is literally unbelievable.

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