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IPFS News Link • Death

Butler Shaffer, RIP


Daniel McAdams informs that the great libertarian Butler Shaffer passed away Sunday afternoon.

(Publisher: "A loss to friends and family, but Butler will always be a gift to humanity" - Ernie - Another Article at

Shaffer was a member of the Ron Paul Institute Advisory Board and Professor Emeritus at Southwestern University School of Law.

Among many books, he authored "In Restraint of Trade: The Business Campaign Against Competition," "1918–1938 and Boundaries of Order"  and "The Wizards of Ozymandias: Reflections on the Decline & Fall."

When a new Shaffer essay appeared at, I considered it a must read.

In April of this year, Shaffer wrote an obituary following the death of Ruth Schisler, what he wrote about her surely applies to him:

"Memories of Ruth's probing questions, and the laughter with which she responded to the collective madness of those who deserved no more than derision, will continue to play out in my mind. She and Charlie continue to remind me of the creative, peaceful, and rational qualities that forever reside only within the free spirits of individuals."

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