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Wednesday, on the Internet chat forum 4chan, an individual who goes by the alias of Anonymous (ID: rhotYJAg) claimed to be a surgery resident at Washington Hospital Center who had attended to Seth Rich -- the 27-year-0ld Democratic National Committe

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Media titan Roger Ailes, who resigned from his positions as chairman and CEO of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network amid sexual harassment allegations last year, has died at age 77.

Article Image By Taki Theodoracopulos

I'm sitting in my office room and the place is still. The rest of the house is dark. Everyone's out and I'm here writing about the death of a friend.

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There is currently no obvious reason to expect that, if an incident like the Tillman killing were to occur today, that our senior military leaders would not make the same decisions they made in the cover-up following Tillman's death. As for servic

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?Last week, the Liberty movement lost one of its most eloquent and courageous voices when William Grigg passed away at the far too young age of 54.

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On the afternoon of April 12, 2017, we received word that after multiple recent hospitalizations, our friend and colleague, William Norman Grigg, had died.

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David Rockefeller was a very nice evil man. So was his father. He always thought he was doing the right thing. Maybe once in a while, he did something really good. I just can't think of anything.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Since the day of Donald Trump's election, high-ranking Russian officials have been dropping like flies and today's reports that a top official of Russia's space agency has been found dead brings the total to eight.
