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General Opinion

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The glaring mask hypocrisy of celebrities, elites, and politicians begs the question--do they actually believe what they preach? Dennis explores why mask mandates continue to be pushed on average Americans, including children, while our ruling class

Article Image by alan dowd

In February 2020, the Trump administration drafted a policy document--stamped "not for public distribution or release" and indeed kept from public view for months--that would guide decision makers at every level of government and every sector o

Article Image by chris rossini

It took much too long, but it appears that the tide of public opinion has finally turned. The term "trust the science" has suddenly lost its luster, especially when it comes from the mouth of a politician or so-called "expert."

Article Image by Paul Joseph Watson

Donald Trump has told Joe Rogan that he needs to "stop apologizing" to the mob trying to get him cancelled over contrived "misinformation" and n-word controversies.

Article Image by Eric

The single-minded obsession in some small-minded quarters with "speeding" is an interesting one.

Article Image by QTR's Fringe Fina

This week, I had to opportunity to speak to one of my all time favorite podcasters, Tom Bodrovics from Palisades Gold Radio about my arguments from my latest article on inflation, called "Inflation Is The Kryptonite That Will End Our Decades-Long M


Robert F Kennedy Jr's wife Cheryl Hines distances herself from his Anne Frank comments after he was roundly criticized for 'exploiting the tragedy of the Holocaust' to peddle anti-vax conspiracy theories
