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General Opinion

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The buyer of a pretty property in northern Wisconsin will get a former hideout of Chicago mobster Al Capone along with a bar and restaurant complete with portholes to shoot from

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I really don't know what to say anymore, about a country in which proposing a new and better version of corporate-plunder masquerading as national healthcare gets you burned in effigy for being a socialist stooge by gun-toting angry mobs.

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The Business Insider

The markets continue to make new highs, but watch out. Long-term mutual fund investors have reversed this month, selling shares, rather than dumping money in. Based on the first two weeks of the month, September's outflows will be bigger than the inf

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NY Post

New York City to smokers: Butt out of our parks. Health Commissioner Thomas Farley announced yesterday he wants to ban smoking in public parks and city beaches as part of a plan to make New Yorkers healthier

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Ask Men

There is a tendency to regard high stakes espionage as a man’s domain, but history repudiates this myopic view -- in spades. In fact, for centuries women have served their allegiances with as much distinction, bravery and awe-inspiring efficacy as th

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American Thinker

Jytte Klausen, a Danish professor of political science at Brandeis University, submitted her manuscript, "The Cartoons that Shook the World" to Yale University Press. The publications committee there unanimously and enthusiastically recommended it fo

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Haste makes Waste I Failed. In going back over the article I received in an E-Mail I realized the date on the newspaper article is 2008. This is old news. I Failed. I wanted to make a correction so people are not confused. My apologies.

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You say you want a Revolution well you know we all want to change the world and if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao love that tune but it is interesting to note that without capitalism there would be no Beatles...

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Insane! I am sure by now you have watched the videos of the horrible Acorn people who would have no problems giving your tax dollars to people who would bring in young girls and use them for Prostitution, if not you can view it here. Now in the new O Bizzarro world the state is thinking of prosecuting get this not the Biach from Acorn but those who brought this criminal organization to light!

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This is the pact. In each country it varies; citizens hand over different freedoms in accordance with their own customs and priorities. Cultures and circumstances may vary; systems can be radically different. We have all colluded; in the West we have colluded most. Unlike Russia, unlike China, we had the choice to demand more of our governments, to rebalance the relationship between state and individual, but for as long as the consumerist going was good we chose not to exercise it.

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Jeff Clark, Senior Editor, Casey’s Gold & Resource Report

You likely heard that the Central Bank Gold Agreement was extended by the signatory banks last month. This is the agreement where central banks around the world agree to limit sales and to do so in an orderly fashion so as to not disrupt prices.

While most writers focused on the fact that the agreement set a lower limit (400 tonnes per year, down from 500) – clearly a bullish indicator – I think there’s a more obvious fact many are overlooking that’s even more bullish.

In the first two 5-year agreements, CBGA signatories sold 4,000 tonnes of gold, or approximately 141 million ounces. This is an incredible amount of gold to dump on the market; it’s equivalent to almost two entire years of global production. Based on an average gold selling price over those 10 years of $600, this equals approximately $84.6 billion of gold.

This amount of sales should’ve had a hugely depres

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He used OUR checkbook to give out money to his buddies but two wrongs do not make a right. A woman described by a federal agent as a heroin addict with a stash of wigs was arrested in Miami on charges of being part of an identity theft ring that targeted the wife of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Shonya Michelle Young of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was arrested Monday night at a hotel near Miami International Airport on a warrant charging her with conspiracy to commit bank fraud, U.S. Marshals spokesman Barry Golden said Tuesday. Young is charged in Virginia with being part of a theft ring that stole millions of dollars from the bank accounts of hundreds of people nationwide. Among them was Anna Bernanke, the wife of the Fed chief, whose purse containing checks from the couple's account was stolen from a Washington coffee shop. Young carried a New York driver's license and debit card, both with a fake name, though not Anna Bernanke's name, Golden said. Fede

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Peter Saint-Andre

America is full of wild speculations about the next five to twenty years. Yet we need something more than speculations: we need realistic scenarios that are rooted firmly in facts and history, and that can therefore provide relatively clear maps of the terrain ahead...

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Are You Dead Yet? Are You Dead Yet? We as a nation have been so apathetic and lazy we are all in a terrible mess now, we know there have always been people who think very differently than what we would call sane and have allowed these idiots to rise to the top of the pile and are actually writing bills and laws which will govern the rest of us that have sit back and thought "No one will take these jerks seriously" well guess what they were serious and we allowed them to take over our lives gradually without even a whimper

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Migrant Mexican farm workers in Manitoba – the first in Canada to join a union – have now voted to decertify. The farm employees have decided they would rather not be part of the United Food and Commercial Workers union because they can make more money working longer hours, without mandatory overtime pay, which they say caused employers to cut back on their hours. Heladio Martinez-Perez is a foreman at a farm west of Winnipeg. He said under the collective agreement the workers negotiated two years ago, they could not work more than 70 hours weekly. "Today, we're gonna start at 6 o'clock and maybe finish at 8. That is a big difference, the union and not the union. We don't need overtime or $1 extra per hour when we can make more hours. That is a good thing for everybody."

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Thelen Paulk

A friend called me last night to tell me about a publiction on the front page of The Foothills Focus. It's a tale of our time in a poem. The Foothills focus is a north valley community news paper serving Anthem, Black Canyon City, Carefree, Desert Hills, Cave Creek, New River, North Phoenix, North Scottsdale, and Tramonto.

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 "This has been directly due to the complicit actions of the totally corrupt Supreme Court and the cowardly Congress that have both colluded with the now criminal administrative branch to steal this nation from the people; the same people, that were supposedly the only reason for their existence as government officials in the first place."

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Today, June 17th, is a bittersweet day for me. My late husband, Harry Browne, was born on this day. To commemorate his birth each year of our marriage, I spent a great deal of time and effort planning a day full of special surprises. Consequently, it was always a happy day.

Harry has been gone for more than three years now. I miss him more than words can express.

I know many reading this Downsizer-Dispatch miss him too.

In these troubling times, we all miss Harry's voice.

* Harry understood Austrian economic theory and the business cycle.

* He also specialized in understanding the damage that Big Government does to our economy -- especially when the politicians try to "fix" it.

We wish we could directly access his wisdom right now, whether it was in his clear, persuasive columns, or his warm, convincing monologues on air.

I am pleased that there are voices that continue to carry forth Harry's

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Scam artists and right-wing extremists are hawking a pseudo-legal strategy that promises both financial gain and the opportunity to take revenge against what is seen as a sham government. Called "redemption," the technique has earned its pr