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Apparently so since many of the Pigs in Government do not seem to think they should drink from the same trough as the rest of us. I think what is good for the goose is good for the gander, do you agree? On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of a two-page amendment courtesy of Republican Tom Coburn that would require all Members and their staffs to enroll in any new government-run health plan. Yet all Democrats — with the exceptions of acting chairman Chris Dodd, Barbara Mikulski and Ted Kennedy via proxy — voted nay. The Liar in Chief he cannot be trusted see for yourself in this video. As the Video points out - You know what they say about Dealing with the DEVIL! It took me less than a minute to sign up to require our congressmen and senators to drink at the same trough! Three cheers for Congressman John Fleming of Louisiana ! Watch this Marine school these clowns! I am against all of this government forced health care but hey if they

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On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip....there are questions about whether this has racial overtones....white people showing up with guns." Brewer failed to mention the man she described was black.

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The FBI and police were investigating after a swastika was painted outside Rep. David Scott's district office in Georgia, an act the suburban Atlanta Democrat said reflects an increasingly hateful and racist debate over health care and should remind people to tone down their rhetoric.

Scott's staff arrived at his Smyrna, Ga., office Tuesday morning to find the Nazi graffiti emblazoned on a sign bearing the lawmaker's name. The vandalism occurred roughly a week after Scott was involved in a confrontational argument over health care at a community meeting.


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You Tube

A Tea Party protester in New Hampshire caused a major wetting of the lamestream media's collective panties when he simultaneously exercised his First and Second Amendment rights. Despite Matthews' best attempts to paint Patriot William Kostric as a domestic terrorist, Kostric slammed Matthews' pathetic loaded questions right back in his face and got the freedom message across loudly and clearly. Even Ron Paul was proudly mentioned in the discussion, and unlike Obama, Ron Paul has never been afraid of having a face-to-face conversation with an armed citizen. (And I speak from personal experience.)

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Ron Paul and the American people are desperately in need of another friend in Capitol Hill in a time when our way of life, our fortunes, and our even our safety hangs in the balance. Your distant past suggests that you could be that additional Capitol Hill friend that America needs to rally around as we dig in to fight the dark culture that has come to characterize Washington. Please allow me to explain.   




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How can they possibly let this happen? What's wrong with the state of New Hampshire? They are just gonna let that guy stand there? No Gitmo, no tasers, no gang-tackle?  Carlos Watson reporting there is a crowd forming in Portsmouth, New Hampshire awaiting the arrival of President Obama with one man, William Kostric, carrying a gun in a holster strapped to his leg.   The people are attending a town hall meeting where president Obama will be speaking.  Things are peaceful in front of the high school.  The Chief of Police was been contacted; he said it is legal for him to have a gun as long as it is registered and not concealed.  The man with the gun is holding a sign that says “Time to Water the Tree of Liberty”.

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The Guardian

An antiwar activist has been accused of spying for the US army, raising legal questions the Obama administration must answer.   An antiwar activist in the state of Washington had been exposed as an undercover informant for the US army, stationed at massive Fort Lewis, south of Tacoma. And in one of those Kafkaesque twists for which our government is renowned, the army is now investigating itself to determine how such an arrangement came to pass.

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New Scientist

THE protests that took place on the streets of London on the eve of the G20 summit in April lived up to many people's expectations. Around 2000 protestors turned up, and were heavily marshaled by police. There was a bit of trouble, but the police tactics - specifically, the decision to corral the entire crowd into a small area near the Bank of England, an approach known as "kettling" - kept a lid on the violence.

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Dmitry Orlov

My premise is that the U.S. economy is going to collapse, that this process has already begun, and will run its course over a decade or more, with ups and downs here and there, but a consistent overall downward direction. I neither prognosticate nor wish for such an outcome; I just happen to see it as very likely. Furthermore, I do not see it as altogether bad. There are some terrible aspects to the current state of affairs, and some wonderful aspects to the post-collapse environment. For example, the air will be much cleaner, there will be no traffic jams, and people will have plenty of time to devote to their children and to people within their immediate community. Wildlife will rebound. Local culture will make a comeback. People will get plenty of exercise walking around, carrying things, and performing manual labor. They will eat smaller and healthier diets. I could go on and on, but that is not the point. (Dmitry Orlov)


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Seeking Alpha

Over the weekend, YouTube launched a new channel dubbed Reporters’ Center, which it hopes will prove to be a good way to educate existing and aspiring citizen journalists on how to report news in ‘the digital age’. The new resource will feature a host of top journalists and media experts sharing instructional videos with tips and advice for better reporting.