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The International Libertarian

At the end of their week in Philadelphia Liberty on Tour's Adam Mueller and Pete Eyre joined local activists to do Fully Informed Jury Association outreach. All went well, no one was arrested or questioned by authorities. The purpose of the outre

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After 165 events, 499 articles (this one is, appropriately, #500), 15,000 WordPress comments, countless media interviews, and millions and millions of website visitors, it’s important to realize that our strength is not in numbers, but as individuals

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The International Libertarian

This time it started out differently. Adam Mueller and Pete Eyre from Liberty on Tour were there with Antonio Musumeci (otherwise known as "Bile" for his blog, Blog of Bile) and, of course, Julian Heicklen. As you will see in the videos things s

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The txtBOMBER is a one-hand-guerillia-tool – a machine not much bigger than a pressing iron – that generates political statements on the fly and immediately prints them on any flat surface. If you feel you are part of our modern viewless generation,

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Derek Sheriff

An important revolutionary principle that American colonists learned from reading “Cato’s Letters” in the mid-18th century was this: Unjust laws must be resisted immediately, or they will set the stage for additional encroachments.

Article Image | Gary Franchi travels to Arizona and finds Patriots in need of supplies to spread the Freedom Message. You are the only one who can help them. For the cost of one MP3 download you can make a difference in the life of a

McElroy's Musings

David McElroy

Recent 3rd US Circuit Court decision filed against Barack Obama was dismissed for "lack of standing" in challenging his eligibility to hold the office of President. The Supreme Court has consistently held only states can bring suits for violations of