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Washington Post

Tens of thousands of gay-rights activists marched in Washington to show President Obama and Congress they are impatient with what they consider piecemeal progress and are ready to fight at the federal level for across-the-board equality, including fo

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Right on time for the somber eighth anniversary of the Afghanistan war and occupation, Code Pink founder and primary spokeswoman Medea Benjamin has announced that her organization – which made so many headlines and newscasts protesting "Bush’s war"

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CameraFRAUD has taken the guesswork out of submitting a Freedom of Information Act to your favorite (or least favorite) government agency with the creation of this handy PDF form. Best of all, the only personal information you need to offer is you

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Sent to me by a friend. I was hoping to locate those who think the info has merit and would be willing to contact their state elections/accountability divisions/boardto encourage a serious investigation into the question of Obama'seligibility.

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